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A one-step function for optimal discretization and geographical detectors for multiple variables and visualization.


gdm(formula, continuous_variable = NULL, data = NULL, discmethod, discitv)
# S3 method for class 'gdm'
print(x, ...)
# S3 method for class 'gdm'
plot(x, ...)



A formula of response and explanatory variables


A vector of continuous variable names


A data.frame includes response and explanatory variables


A character vector of discretization methods


A numeric vector of numbers of intervals


A list of gdm result




## NDVI: ndvi_40
## set optional parameters of optimal discretization
## optional methods: equal, natural, quantile, geometric, sd and manual
discmethod <- c("equal","quantile")
discitv <- c(4:5)
## "gdm" function
ndvigdm <- gdm(NDVIchange ~ Climatezone + Mining + Tempchange,
               continuous_variable = c("Tempchange"),
               data = ndvi_40,
               discmethod = discmethod, discitv = discitv)
#> Explanatory variables include 1 continuous variables.
#> optimal discretization result of Tempchange
#> method             :  quantile
#> number of intervals:  5
#> intervals:
#>  -0.39277 0.471748 1.041764 1.363464 1.855572 3.22051
#> numbers of data within intervals:
#>  143 142 143 142 143
#> Geographical detectors results:
#> Factor detector:
#>      variable        qv          sig
#> 1 Climatezone 0.8218335 7.340526e-10
#> 2      Mining 0.1411154 6.734163e-10
#> 3  Tempchange 0.2991928 5.146470e-10
#> Risk detector:
#> Climatezone
#>   itv    meanrisk
#> 1 Bsk 0.143572961
#> 2 Bwk 0.004536505
#> 3 Dwa 0.321735000
#> 4 Dwb 0.343155655
#> 5 Dwc 0.444868361
#> Mining
#>         itv   meanrisk
#> 1  very low 0.21008297
#> 2       low 0.03294513
#> 3    medium 0.30733460
#> 4      high 0.26695286
#> 5 very high 0.19176875
#> Tempchange
#>              itv   meanrisk
#> 1 [-0.393,0.472] 0.04191322
#> 2   (0.472,1.04] 0.17022380
#> 3    (1.04,1.36] 0.33167483
#> 4    (1.36,1.86] 0.27784937
#> 5    (1.86,3.22] 0.19882217
#> Climatezone
#>   interval  Bsk  Bwk  Dwa  Dwb  Dwc
#> 1      Bsk <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 2      Bwk    Y <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 3      Dwa    Y    Y <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 4      Dwb    Y    Y    N <NA> <NA>
#> 5      Dwc    Y    Y    Y    Y <NA>
#> Mining
#>    interval very low  low medium high very high
#> 1  very low     <NA> <NA>   <NA> <NA>      <NA>
#> 2       low        Y <NA>   <NA> <NA>      <NA>
#> 3    medium        Y    Y   <NA> <NA>      <NA>
#> 4      high        Y    Y      N <NA>      <NA>
#> 5 very high        N    Y      Y    Y      <NA>
#> Tempchange
#>         interval [-0.393,0.472] (0.472,1.04] (1.04,1.36] (1.36,1.86]
#> 1 [-0.393,0.472]           <NA>         <NA>        <NA>        <NA>
#> 2   (0.472,1.04]              Y         <NA>        <NA>        <NA>
#> 3    (1.04,1.36]              Y            Y        <NA>        <NA>
#> 4    (1.36,1.86]              Y            Y           Y        <NA>
#> 5    (1.86,3.22]              Y            N           Y           Y
#>   (1.86,3.22]
#> 1        <NA>
#> 2        <NA>
#> 3        <NA>
#> 4        <NA>
#> 5        <NA>
#> Interaction detector:
#>      variable Climatezone Mining Tempchange
#> 1 Climatezone          NA     NA         NA
#> 2      Mining      0.8345     NA         NA
#> 3  Tempchange      0.8483 0.3962         NA
#> Ecological detector:
#>      variable Climatezone Mining Tempchange
#> 1 Climatezone        <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
#> 2      Mining           Y   <NA>       <NA>
#> 3  Tempchange           Y      Y       <NA>
#> Optimal discretization process ...

#> Optimal discretization result ...

#> plot factor detectors ...

#> plot risk mean values ...

#> plot risk detectors ...

#> plot interaction detectors ...

#> plot ecological detectors ...

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
## H1N1: h1n1_100
## set optional parameters of optimal discretization
discmethod <- c("equal","natural","quantile")
discitv <- c(4:6)
continuous_variable <- colnames(h1n1_100)[-c(1,11)]
## "gdm" function
h1n1gdm <- gdm(H1N1 ~ .,
               continuous_variable = continuous_variable,
               data = h1n1_100,
               discmethod = discmethod, discitv = discitv)
} # }